Circular economy.

Integral management.

Integrated management certificate .

Development Innovation Sustainabilty.

We are a circular economy business group, engaged in caring for the environment. At GEEC GAIA VITARE we design, create and apply innovation and sustainability processes for integrated waste management, seeking to generate a positive social and environmental impact that is a benchmark for the industry in general and for our sector in particular

How do we change the world?

With our innovative transformation and recovery processes, we have managed to significantly reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or security cells.

We positively impact the environment!

The data proves it:

of waste managed.
+ 0 tons
Trusted us.
+ 0 clients
of experience.
+ 0 Years


At GEEC GAIA VITARE our main objective is to provide an unparalleled experience to our clients and for this reason, every day we strive to offer a service that exceeds their expectations, working focused on their loyalty and satisfaction.

Contact us to generate alliances that change the world.

"The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man"

Genesis 2:15